Thursday, January 19, 2012

back in love again

In December as part of my annual JUG ("Just Us Girls") event, we made "junk journals" (aka DIY "smash" books). It was one of the funnest projects I've worked on for awhile and one of the things that I loved about it was that I used so many of my stamps. In fact, it made me fall back in love with stamping.

So much so that even though we haven't yet gotten to the organize-your-stamps section of the "Resolve to Get Organized" seminar, I had to do a little something to make my most useful stamps easier to get to. In one of the previous "Get Organized" sessions someone suggested using acrylic shadow box frames as stacking trays for stamps. Genius!

I had been haunting the organization aisles of Target, Walmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond looking for some sort of stacking tray that was just the right dimensions to fit in my IKEA Expedit drawers. Everything I found measured wrong in some direction or another. But the acrylic frames are PERFECT! Plus I can layer them three deep, so that lots and lots of stamps fit yet are easy to go through quickly. So happy with these!

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