Sunday, January 10, 2010


I've been working on a couple of layouts this weekend and once again it feels like maybe perhaps this is something that I've never done before. Well, that's not exactly right. Of course, I've scrapped before. But something about picking it back up after a period of not doing any layouts always feels a bit foreign. Not quite sure why that is. In any case, it sure comes easier if I do it more regularly. Wonder if there's anyone else out there who deals with this.

I finished two one-pagers and I'm really happy with both of them. Plus I've got another layout loosely arranged on my work table... we'll have to see whether or not that one comes together, but I'm liking what I've got so far. While I'm on the subject of scrappiness, another thing that has made me really happy about these latest layouts is to actually be working with some products that I've been itching to dig into. Because really... what's the point of storing product? It shouldn't be sitting there like some kind of dusty collection. It needs to be used and find its way onto my pages and into my albums.

I ended up submitting both the finished layouts for publication and I was excited to find out tonight that one of them was picked up for an online magazine, Ready, Set, Create. Cool.

With the recent changes to my SB work world, I decided it was time to work out a new schedule for 2010.  I'm hoping the new weekly plan will make me more efficient and productive. I've got Tuesdays & Thursdays set aside as my scrappy biz days - hoping to make the most of those days every week. There will be a lot to cram into those two days every week, but I think having specific days earmarked for working will help my focus. (What would really help would be an extra day per week and an extra week per month -lol!)


1 comment:

Sudie said...

Congrats on being picked up by Ready, Set, Create. and for finishing your layouts.