Monday, August 25, 2008

that number's been disconnected, honey

Ack! I have no internet access from my computer. It's not a very interesting story, so I'll keep it short. Ever since we went wireless at home, my computer relies on a wireless adapter for web access. Well, while we were in Vegas the adapter got left behind. I'm not gonna point any fingers or name any names, but let's just say the guilty parties know who they are (right, boys?)

So meanwhile I'm reduced to borrowing time on DH's laptop when he takes a break. Sigh. Is the UPS man here yet with my adapter? (Not liking the disconnect - can you tell?)

Here's some bouncy "music on hold" from Brian Setzer until I'm back up and running...


Jennifer Priest said...

Awwww--hope you get backup and running again soon!

Pixie said...

I've been playing blog catch-up the last several days. :D I know that disconnect feeling... it sucks!

Tricia said...

Ugh oh Cindy...bummer!!!