Thursday, February 5, 2009

graphic 45

The Graphic 45 was absolutely gorgeous and filled with endless inspiration. Three new lines were released: Communique, Fashionista and Transatlantique. I really love how the booth samples relate to the themes of the new lines and also how the projects extend beyond scrapbook pages. I found myself going back to this booth every day that I was at the show and finding new things to appreciate each time I did.

Somehow I missed getting any pics of Transatlantique, but it is a very cool travel themed line --think Art Deco hotel decals.

Here is some "Fashionista" (I think this was my fave --I certainly took the most pics of this line):

And some "Communique":

Here are a couple of the Good Times Girls at the G45 booth.
Allie on the phone and Barb is holding the door


Anonymous said...

So cool to visit a new blog and see my work!
I made the little Fashionista garland (the first photo in your post). I'm glad you liked it enough to take a photo of it!
I LOVE Graphic 45!

Tammy said...

Graphic 45 looks AMAZING and I think I have to HAVE one of the bags from Anna Griffin (always love that line).

Mel said...

Love those prints!