Monday, August 4, 2008

melissa frances!

I really, really, really love Melissa Frances products, so it was a delight to meet her in person today. She is a cancer survivor and has been doing some awesome things in behalf of cancer research including designing her "Thankful" line (a portion of proceeds to to cancer research). She also had a couple of wonderfully altered bras from a contest (I think). She mentioned that more would be posted on the Melissa Frances blog later in the week. Here's a peek at the two I saw:

"B" cup

Singapore Sling

Aren't these too fun?


Tiff said...

Today was fun.......and always good to see you. Hope to again SOON!

Jennifer Priest said...

LOL--That is fun!! I wish I could have gone today...see you soon.

Anonymous said...

I love Melissa Frances' stuff too! How cool to see her in person!!! Lucky (with a hint of jealousy~can ya hear it?)!!!

DeeDee said...

Did you see her new Christmas line? It is too yummy. I also saw a cute cute bra on her blog yesterday.