Friday, February 27, 2009

partners in crime

Click on the pic for a larger view

I'm the oldest of five kids. My next youngest sibling is my brother John, who is just about ten months younger than I am (practically twins!) When we were young we were a couple of terrors, always getting into lots of trouble. Usually it was messy trouble (early signs of creativity?) My poor mom!

This page was for the February challenge at the Graphic 45 blog. The challenge rules were to do a page about someone you love using an old photo and cutting out a motif from one of the G45 paper lines. I used the Playtimes Past line - it was perfect for my page. Not only does it have a lovely vintage nursery theme, one of the accent colors in the line was nearly a perfect match to my dress in this photo. The motif I cut was the teapot and girl that you see at the bottom right and edge of my page.

Love that Graphic 45!


Anonymous said...

Very sweet! I love the photo! And you're right, your dress does match perfectly!

Anonymous said...

We looked so innocent in that photo, but your description was perfect—we were troublemakers! My poor behavior was me probably acting out in protest over the ghey little dwarf outfits I was forced to wear. Lol.