Friday, August 8, 2008

look out weekend, here i come

Oh happy day, jury duty is now completed! I wish I'd remembered to take my camera because there were several times I wanted to take pics but oh well. The opp has passed!

In any case, now I can move on to the next list of endless "to do" items. I'm simultaneously working on a graduation (promotion) party for my daughter (next weekend), an 'instant' scrapbook project which needs to be mostly completed by Monday, a client project on Tuesday, two looming project deadlines for the LSS due on Friday, the arrival of my (east coast) brother, his girlfriend and my nephew next Saturday. Unfortunately, their vacation here starts right before we leave on vacation, so I will only be able to visit Saturday night and/or Sunday morning (hopefully) right before we leave for a week. Fortunately, they'll still be here for one day when we return the following weekend.

As I've mentioned in earlier blog posts this has been the most unruly summer. It thinks *IT* is in charge! I haven't managed to whip it into shape, but we are determined to try to squeeze what we can from those last remaining weeks before school resumes.

One thing I really wanted to do at least once this summer was make a trek into the Fashion District downtown. The SGT girls are always coming back with wonderful treasures and I was determined to go and do some treasure hunting of my own. I managed to squeeze a couple of hours browsing downtown on Wednesday. The day was hot and humid, time was limited, the budget was tight but I still managed to come away with a few delightful finds.

Here's a pic of some yummy trim I found:


Jennifer Priest said...

wow--looks like awesome stuff! I need to go down there sooo much!! Have a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

I don't need to go down there ever again! But, I SOOOOOOOOOO want to!!! Good thing my room is busting at the seams. That is the only thing that saves me...

DeeDee said...

Oooooooh I love that trim. :)

Karen said...

That trim is gourgeous! I'd love to make a trip down there to pick some of that ribbon! Great finds.

maryboys said...

this trim is sooo gorgeous! thanks for all the comments over at my blog, cindy...i've enjoyed yours, as well. you're a good writer! and it looks like you have incredibly thick hair! lol.